Supporting trusted cybersecurity advisors Brigantia with PR and Content

Brigantia is a UK and Ireland-based cybersecurity distributor that partners with Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to deliver high-quality cybersecurity solutions.

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It’s really difficult to find people that are capable of taking our ideas and writing them in a way that we can relate to. And it’s been really refreshing to work with GetCrisp as a partner who can write, brand and design in all the ways that we want. We’ve never actually found this with any other agency we’ve worked with before.

Angus Shaw, Sales Director

The Brief – Hearts and Minds

Brigantia is a business that is rapidly growing, with the senior management team being supported by a young and dynamic team of product specialists and account managers.

With an ever-expanding team, Brigantia wanted to establish a defined brand identity that encompassed their core values and gave definition to their mission as a business. The new vision had to reflect the people who represent the organisation at all levels. GetCrisp helped to shape that new vision, showing their partners why Brigantia consistently puts them first.

The Project

With Brigantia’s goal in mind, we knew that their new brand identity needed to have input from a cross section of the entire business.

Branding is about defining and declaring that identity clearly to the world. It’s about developing a consistent and memorable way of communicating it. Our first goal was to find Brigantia’s voice and distil it in a mission and vision statement. The next step was to translate this identity throughout Brigantia’s digital channels, whether that was content, collateral, PR or events.

The Process

Our brand project began with a series of conversations with senior leaders within the business. But what we really wanted to do was understand how people felt across the business from the bottom up.

One of the most important things about any brand voice or mission statement is this: it should be a true reflection of the whole business. If only directors are on board, you’re not going to get buy-in from the whole team.

So, we devised fun, simple, engaging workshops with everyone in the Brigantia team to understand how they saw the business which we ran in-person. This gave us insightful qualitative and quantitative information on their brand voice from almost everyone who worked there. In turn, it meant we could set about drafting the statements with a fully developed understanding of what really matters to Brigantia. 

The Brand

What we found was that everyone broadly agreed on what mattered. Unlike many traditional distributors, Brigantia are not just about shifting units. What really matters to them is adding value on both sides, to both their partners and vendors.

To that end, they prioritise three things above all: the quality of their products, the knowledge of their team, and using these to the benefit of their partners.

We used these findings to draft our vision and mission statements. They ticked all the boxes: they were short, memorable and a genuine reflection of our findings from the workshops with their team. It’s not just about what they said, but how. We were careful to use language that chimed with the social values their team shared – warm, inclusive and friendly rather than corporate.

We visited Brigantia’s offices in Thirsk to present the statements to the leadership team. This started with laying out the context: why these statements mattered and why we’d written them as we had. We encouraged them to debate and grill us on every word. We also wrote up an extensive rationale to explain and analyse the statements in detail.

All of this is incredibly important. Mission statements add value when the business really embraces them. They’re much more likely to do that if they’ve properly thought them through, word by word. We’re pleased to say that it worked!

The Brand in Action

Before launching the statements publicly, we needed to ensure that Brigantia’s public face matched the brand identity that our work so far had defined. To make this more transparent and systematic, we created a brand voice guide. This, in essence, was a reference point for how to communicate Brigantia’s values and mission, from talking points to writing style.

We used this to review just about all the written material they’d published: website content, sales demos, product documentation, HR materials, LinkedIn descriptions and much, much more. We reviewed all those and rewrote them in line with the brand voice guide.

So, we spent a couple of days in their offices with our videographer and photographer. In this time, we generated hundreds of great photos of the team to use across the website and elsewhere.

In addition, the video footage served a multitude of purposes. To name just a few:

  • Brand video – a high-quality “hero” video summarising Brigantia’s brand.
  • Recruitment videos – a video showing members of the team talking about the culture there, to help recruitment campaigns.
  • Award entry – a video to help apply for industry awards.
  • Multiple videos for social posts.

Thought Leadership & PR

Following the brand launch we have consistently produced thought leadership content for industry press and social media.

This has increased LinkedIn followers and connections for brand champions, driven increased web traffic, and has created PR opportunities.

We have leveraged strong relationships with both channel and local press outlets. This has improved brand recognition, and further capitalised on Brigantia’s authority in the Channel.

Partner Toolkits

Upholding Brigantia’s principle of knowledge, quality and great partner relationships, we’ve worked alongside them to produce partner marketing toolkits to help increase sales. These toolkits are more than just sales collateral, they are a recipe for partner success.


Product webinars to help Brigantia partners cross-sell to customers.

We advised on webinar structure, consulted on webinar production and created marketing material to support partners, including social media and partner email campaigns.

When we first started working with GetCrisp, I was quite sceptical around the importance of mission and vision statements. Having gone through an extensive process with them to help build our brand out for the future, I would say that what was encapsulated in our mission and vision statement is exactly what we are and what we would like to be.

Angus Shaw, Sales Director

Event Marketing

Brigantia exhibited alongside two of their vendors at Infosec Europe. GetCrisp supported the exhibition with:

  • Email Campaigns to attendees
  • LinkedIn Outreach
  • Blog Content
  • Event photography
  • Event videography

After three action packed days at the event alongside Brigantia and their vendors, we produced a series of videos to highlight Brigantia’s brand and standing within the cybersecurity channel.